Much more than e-learning assessment tools
Evaluate your learners' learning, know their movements and opinions and measure the results of your courses with evolCampus' effective solutions.
Keep track of your learners and achieve results
Set a number of minutes of inactivity and send the alert to the learner.
Send messages individually or in bulk to those who comply with any of your programmed alerts.
E-learning assessment during and after the course
- Create gradable e-learning assessment exercises and multiple-choice tests with different options for execution.
- Configure the types of activities, the grading system and the criteria required to pass the course.
- Remotely supervise the e-learning assessment tests taken by the learners (biometric control with SMOWL).
Take advantage of the questionnaire to find out what they think of your courses.
- Schedule the survey so that the learner can take it at the time of your choice.
- Edit the conditions: optional or compulsory, time of completion, authorship,...
- Include all the questions you consider with different options for answers.
- Download the official PDF
- Analyse the degree of satisfaction, strengths and weaknesses of the course with exhaustive reports.
Analyse your online training in detail
Reports and statistics to keep a millimetric record of your courses. This combined with the integrations will save you a lot of time. Download them in different formats or export them from the e-learning plataform.

General information
Active enrolments on selected dates.
Courses and groups with learners enrolled during specific periods.
Percentage of enrolments that meet the pass criteria and average marks.
Group data
Transcript of records with grades obtained during the training period.
Connection of each learner to the campus (time and days) and to videoconferences.
Answers to questionnaires and feedback surveys.
History of activities and exams
Completed activities, including date, time, marks and attempts.
Resolution of e-learning assessment exercises (developmental or test) and group discussions carried out.
Information on the monitoring actions of the e-learning assessment tests (SMOWL).
References on teachers
Concerning individual teachers, a group or all teachers.
No. of learners assigned to their subjects/courses.
Monitoring: activities, chat, forums, connections, timetables,...